Food waste is often wet and gives off odour, so a traditional response is to just not want to deal with it. One of the biggest hurdles Sebranek has seen in his time at ORBIS with respect to implementing organic waste collection programs and achieving high participation rates, is the ‘yuck’ factor. The right organics container – key to getting over the ‘yuck’ factor

Sebranek says ORBIS has supplied various cities in Canada with curbside and in-home collection systems for their organics and other recyclables programs, including Ottawa, Nanaimo, B.C., and in Quebec, mainly in the Montreal area. when it comes to organic waste collection programs.” But we do quite a bit more than that in Canada, mainly because the country overall is more advanced than the U.S. The conventional wisdom is whatever you do in the U.S., you do 10 percent of that in Canada. “We’ve found that most municipalities that incorporate not only the curbside organics container but also a small kitchen container, get higher participation rates.” “We do quite a bit of business in Canada. “With the majority of our organics programs, basically we’re providing both the kitchen collector and a curbside container,” explains Sebranek. Today, Sebranek says, while the largest part of ORBIS’ business is in returnable, reusable packaging, and in the manufacture of plastic products such as pallets for industrial and automotive industries, they do a growing amount of business in “blue” and other curbside recycling bins, and particularly in organic waste collection products, with both curbside and kitchen food scrap collection containers. This is basically how Norseman got involved so heavily in curbside food scrap collection.”

“From there, when Norseman began their partnership with the City of Toronto, around 2002, they helped develop what was the first large-scale food scrap collection program in North America, with the introduction of the Green Bin and the Kitchen Collector line. He recalls that it was really the Earth Machine product line that secured Norseman’s place in the organic waste category. John Sebranek is ORBIS Corporation’s marketing manager for environmental. The now familiar Earth Machine backyard composter currently boasts over 2.5 million units in use, in more than 3,500 communities worldwide. In 2009, ORBIS Corporation purchased Norseman Environmental Products, the original large-scale distributor and manufacturer of the Earth Machine backyard composter and an experienced Canadian based manufacturer and supplier of recycling bins, organic waste carts and bins, dumpsters, rain barrels and accessories.